Friday, March 26, 2010

photo shoot

Photographs I didn't take today:
-the three dogs keeping watch in the driveway of a home in south-eastern Provo
-the dog peeing on the corner of a road in the foothills of Provo
-the same dog running out right as I was (very slowly) passing him, seeming to want to smell my car
-the ducks at the gym this morning, and the woman who didn't want to run them over (they wouldn't move even under threat of being crushed by SUV)
-the two boys who walked past me, didn't ever really seem to look at me, but then took pictures of the exact same house that I did shortly after me
-several houses with pretty cool yards
-several houses that are ridiculously expensive
-girl sitting on fire hydrant (okay, so this picture was yesterday)
-people reacting to the seriously bipolar weather today (rain-sunny-rain-snow-blizzard-cloudy-clear-rain-snow-rain-clear-etc)


Tiffany Pyper said...

The ducks are taking over the world. I fear their behavior at the gym was just another attempt to out us in our place.. Beware..

Tiffany Pyper said...
