Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Today's Itinerary:
-fill out "formulaire"
-international cinema
-leave for SLC international airport
-sleep as much as possible whenever I can

Friday, March 26, 2010

photo shoot

Photographs I didn't take today:
-the three dogs keeping watch in the driveway of a home in south-eastern Provo
-the dog peeing on the corner of a road in the foothills of Provo
-the same dog running out right as I was (very slowly) passing him, seeming to want to smell my car
-the ducks at the gym this morning, and the woman who didn't want to run them over (they wouldn't move even under threat of being crushed by SUV)
-the two boys who walked past me, didn't ever really seem to look at me, but then took pictures of the exact same house that I did shortly after me
-several houses with pretty cool yards
-several houses that are ridiculously expensive
-girl sitting on fire hydrant (okay, so this picture was yesterday)
-people reacting to the seriously bipolar weather today (rain-sunny-rain-snow-blizzard-cloudy-clear-rain-snow-rain-clear-etc)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where to eat?

Restaurants in Provo/Orem I like:
-Ming's (formally called 'Saigon Cafe.')
-Four Seasons Hot Pot and Dumplings
-Spicy Thai (even though I haven't been there, I'm pretty sure I like it)
-Bangkok Grill
-Tucano's (but in more moderation than any other restaurant I like)
-Joe's Cafe (I haven't had their food, but the people are worth it regardless)
-In N Out
-Five Guys and Fries
-Stumpy Burger
-El Gallo Giro
-Costa Vida
-Sweet Tooth Fairy
-That one Mexican place across from the Boxing gym on State Street. Caporales? Something like that.
-Eliane's bakery

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm too shy to be publicly funny

Jokes I didn't tell anyone today:
-That bear weighs almost as much as I do!
-The worst movie I ever saw was the Testaments. Kidding!
-I'm glad that he's not my age, too.
-I was accidentally ordained a deacon once... (I've told this one almost too many times now, anyway. Although sometimes I substitute in other priesthood callings, like bishop)
-The bishop said to go to Sunday School and Priesthood, but left out Relief Society because everyone knows it's a useless meeting anyway. All you do is talk about emotions and homemaking.
-Heavyweights would be better with Zac Effron as Jerry.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Foods that are cool:
-hamburgers (good ones, at least)
-tom ka gai
-most all mexican food
-ice cream
-most kind of cream
-tomato soup with grilled cheese
-sriracha sauce
-most anything found in Trader Joe's
-sweet potato fries

Foods that aren't so cool:
-chips and salsa with chocolate milk
-month old mashed potatoes
-homemade cake missing a cup of sugar
-grainy apples
-soggy or stale tortilla chips
-stale tortillas or bread
-the kinds of dishes that make horrible left-overs

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


These are the cool animals:
-dolphins (the puppies of the sea)
-killer whales (when not killing)
-flying squirrels
-regular-type whales
-narwhals (the unicorns of the sea)
-horses (how else are we to measure the speed of our cars, after all?)

These are the uncool animals:
-geese (just uncool enough to be mentioned specially. They are mean)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Things that make me wish I weren't a student:
-having no time to make real, homemade meals on a regular basis
-having no down time because of homework
-never knowing what to address my professors as (professor? doctor? just their last name? by their first name if they're cool and hep?)
-having to walk to school and back home in the snow
-not having a real income, but having a career (basically... grad school is a career, right?)
-sitting in classrooms without windows for hours on end every single day

Things that make me want to never leave school:
-learning cool stuff
-being pretentious
-the feeling of accomplishment after a good paper, test, or project
-being on the same intelligence level as most of the people around me
-researching awesome stuff
-not having to start a "real" career
-access to all the amenities on campus
-discounts at grocery stores

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Things on my mind recently
-photo projects
-international cinema
-party ideas
-les bas-fonds
-mimesis and imitation
-Burgundy (place, not color)