Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Grad School

Things I Can't Remember How To Do Properly:
-Homework for all of my classes
-Read quickly instead of perusing
-Speak French
-Speak English
-Hold a conversation
-Eat balanced meals
-Function on a basic level

Things I Am Learning To Do:
-Share a room again
-Read vast material and somehow master its contents without spending much time
-Speak at length
-Work while going to school
-Stress at higher levels

Things I Have Learned Already:
-The Hundred Years War had some crazy politics going on
-Doing the reading before class is actually pretty necessary (Who knew? It was different in undergrad, I swear)
-Babbling random ideas about La Chanson de Roland in French isn't as hard as it sounds
-Being productive isn't overrated
-Cupshakes are an elusive prize that I MUST CLAIM
-Medievalists aren't as rare a breed as they first appear
-The 19th Century is over-represented in the realm of French academics
-Things don't always become more clear the second (or third) time around. Sometimes it only gets worse with more revision.
-TVs aren't essential to survival
-Lyon is pretty cool, guys (sometimes spelled "Lyons" in English)
-I want to live in France (this is more of a reminder, actually)

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