Things That Make You Clap (For Applause):
-A good performance
-Actually, just about any performance in America in the world
-A child performing a talent
-Magic tricks that are cool
-Talent shows, even if they are more non-talent shows
-Speeches (unless they're insulting/ ridiculously bad)
-For some people, good movies
Things That Make You Clap (For Negative Energy Expulsion):
-Bad karma
-Anxiety attacks
-Bad spirits/ houses built over Indian cemeteries
-People with bad additudes
Other Things That Make You Clap:
-Really really funny jokes
-Extreme happiness/ amusement
-Sing alongs/ a good beat
-Insects (most the flying kinds)
-Figuring out the sound of one-handed claps
-Scaring creatures smaller and/or more stupid
-Sometimes an alternative to light switches
-Calling an animal/person to attention/ to you
-In olden times, calling students to school
-In some countries, an alternative to knocking on the door
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