Thursday, September 13, 2007


The Symptoms of Meningitis:
-Severe and persistent headache
-Stiff and painful neck, especially when trying to touch the chin to the chest
-Confusion, and decreased levels of consciousness
-Sluggishness, muscle aches and weakness, and strange feelings (such as tingling) or weakness throughout the body
-Eye sensitivity and eye pain from bright lights
-Skin rash
-Dizzy spells

The Symptoms of Mononucleosis:
-Fever, which may range from 101 F to 104 F, and chills
-Sore throat, often with white patches on the tonsils (which may resemble strep throat)
-Swollen tonsils
-Headache or body aches
-A lack of energy and fatigue
-Loss of Appetite
-Pain in the upper-left part of the abdomen, which may indicate that the spleen has become enlarged

The Symptoms of Influenza:
-Fever (usually high)
-Severe aches and pains in the joints and muscles around the eyes
-Generalized weakness
-Ill appearance with warm, flushed skin and red, watery eyes
-Dry cough
-Sore throat and watery discharge from the nose

The Symptoms of Strep Throat:
-Severe and sudden sore throat without coughing, sneezing, or other cold symptoms
-Pain or difficulty swallowing
-Fever over 101 F, lower fevers may indicate a viral infection and not strep
-Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
-White or yellow spots or coating on the throat and tonsils
-Bright red throat or dark red spots on the roof of your mouth at the back near the throat
-Swollen tonsils, although this symptom may also be caused by viral infection


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