Saturday, September 8, 2007


Questions People Ask that I Never Know How to Answer:
-"So why don't you have a boyfriend?"
-"Why do you study history?"
-"Are you Japanese?"
-"Want to know something cool?"
-"Where's your name from?"
-"What's the best/worst date you've ever been on?"
-"What's one interesting thing about you?"
-"Can I have your phone number?"

Severely Awkward Moments In College:
-People asking me if my boyfriend of the time was gay, or making comments along these lines.
-Running into a boy I had a huge crush on freshman year and just staring at each other for about a minute, not having anything to say. Finally, I said "okay!" and walked away.
-Trying to pay someone back for a movie ticket, but doing everything in a completely awkward way.
-Not realizing a boy from my class was talking on the phone, looking at him confused for about 20 seconds, and then just walking away.
-Not belonging in a tango class.
-Asking a guy who friended me on facebook if I knew him and then finding out that he was in my group for a class I was still in.

Social Situations that Frighten Me/Elude My Understanding:
-Going public places alone.
-Flirting seriously.
-Chatter with classmates/acquaintances.
-The eye-contact with someone you know, and vaguely remember, but aren't friends with.
-People who say "hello!" or "good morning!" or "Hey!" when they DO NOT KNOW ME.
-Talking to strangers without having an emergency.

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