Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Books/Articles I've read so far this semester:
-La Venus d'Ille by Prosper Merimee
-Rene by Chateaubriand
-Le Rouge et le Noir by Stendhal
-La Morte Amoureuse by Maupassant
-Discours sur la science et les arts by Rousseau
-Confessions (chapters 1-4) by Rousseau
-Candide by Voltaire
-Lettres Philosophiques (1-6, 8-10, 18, 23, 25) by Voltaire
-A bunch of stuff about Sophie Calle (funnest photographer... ever?)
-The Uncanny by Freud
-Something about La Venus d'Ille written by Cropper
-Extracts from Classes laborieuses, classes dangereuses by Louis Chevalier
-Extracts from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
-Les Imaginaires Sociaux from a dictionary by Alain Courbin
-La "Monarchie d'argot" entre le mythe et l'histoire by Roger Chartier
-A bunch of stuff about Walker Evans and the FSA
-Pieces of Introduction a la litterature francaise by Tzvetan Todorov
-Pieces of La litterature fantastique by Denis Mellier
-Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
-An article about reference books for research on French literature
-Lots of random newspaper articles
-A few articles on photography

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