Showing posts with label fourth of july. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fourth of july. Show all posts

Friday, July 8, 2011

What to do the first week of July in Riverside, California

Things to do when visiting family:
-Go to Disneyland for a day
-Ride Star Tours at least twice while there, along with Pirates and Thunder Mountain
-See Cars 2 with all the children
-Go out with old friends a few times
-Push the nieces on the swingset in the backyard
-Spend time with a german shepherd
-Talk about what's going on in Provo, Mesa, Nashville, or Riverside these days
-Go watch fireworks at a family friend's house
-Watch Mt Rubidoux catch on fire just a few minutes into the fireworks show
-Wait for a long time to see if the fireworks will start up again-- mostly wait for the fires to be under control
-Watch roman candles in the field close by catch the field on fire
-Get bitten by mosquitoes and have those bug bites swell up to ridiculous sizes
-Don't even open thesis related work
-Finish off that book almost a year after starting it
-Go to Costco
-Go to the Galleria at Tyler
-Go to Von's and Trader Joe's
-Eat lots
-Macerate some meyer lemons from the backyard
-Make shaker lemon pie
-Make world peace cookies (aka chocolate korova?)
-Bring a loaf of avocado pound cake in suitcase to share with family, while leaving a dozen muffins for the roommates
-Text people a lot when bored
-Watch Harry Potter 1 with the nephew who had just finished the book a few days earlier
-Play the piano, mostly when no one's home
-Eat thrifty's ice cream sandwiches
-Let a niece be entertained endlessly by emoticons on gchat (the blue crying face is the best)
-Play basketball with family or just solo
-Ride a bike with flat tires that are also completely deteriorating and think about buying new tires for it for the future, but never follow through on that
-Spend time with family, alone and together
-Sleep in most days
-Listen to awesome testimonies in church about how great and tall trees are